Arun Rishi :Swargeeya: The Eigth wonder of the World. Only Industrilist in this world who has not used Toothbrush, Tooth Paste, Tea, Coffee, Shaving Cream, Soap, Shampoo, Cosmetics, Artificial Cold drinks, Pan Gutkhas, Cigarettes, and Liquor, and because of not using all of them he never needed to take any medicines since 1979.

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ArunRishi Swargeeya: The Eigth wonder of the World. Only 72 years young Industrilist in this world who has not taken any medicine since1979.The medical expenditure of our India are about ten thousand crores per day and Mr ArunRishi,s medical expenses of last fourty five years is zero.How and why

Pls see this video

The main mission of the trust :

To Make India debt free
To convert 9 tyre management into 3 tyre management.
To collect the trust of entire world.
To take humanity back to the nature.
To convert this world into heaven.
To make India Jagat Guru again.

God has provided us 42 servants. (32 teeth+ 2 hands+ 2 legs+ 2 ears+ 2 eyes+ 1 nose+1 tongue) and all the organs were designed for 100 years but because of lack of knowledge and poor maintenance we spoil them in just 50-60 years. In today's time whenever we buy any equipement we first ask what is its assured life then we ask for the manual so that we can maintain it properly and can use more then assured life. But we are extremly sorry to say no such manual was prepared for Human Being, but you would very very glad to know that after 21 years of researches and deep thinking our Aayushmaan Bhav ( Live Long ) trust and research centre could prepare this manual. If you would follow our manual your all the above mentioned servents would give you accompany till the end of the life, means your eyes can see for 100 years, your ears can hear for 100 years, your heart can beat for 100 years and all the organs of the body will give you service till the end of life in full efficiency.

Practical Solution For The Health Management Without Medicine

Practical Solution For The Abolition Of Income Tax.Raj News Arun Rishi

Zee News Arun Rishi

Arun Rishi Power Point Slides